Customers 2018-05-15T11:32:10-04:00

Our Customers

Data Scientists and Data-Driven Marketers

Data Scientists and Modelers Building the Best Models

You create predictive models using consumer data at the individual record level. You have access to 1st party data from a CRM / Customer Database or Customer Data Platform. While this is pretty good data (though it may need some cleaning), it is not sufficient to build the most accurate and predictive models, which is what you know you need to achieve your goals. You want to take your models to the next level but are not sure where to go to license the best third-party data from trusted sources.

Data-Driven Marketers in a Variety of Industries Seeking Better Performance

You are responsible for maximizing marketing ROI for acquisition, cross-sell/up-sell, or retention campaigns. You work with agencies for branding and campaign execution but you want to take your results to the next level. You know that intelligent use of data for targeting — along with better testing and analytics — are among the very best ways to improve campaign performance. But you are not sure where you can get objective advice and top-quality, privacy-assured and ethically-derived data from a trusted source.

If this sounds like you, then please reach out to Data Marketing Strategies for a free consultation and proposal. We will help you strategize and prioritize how to use data to drive the best results, for you and your organization.