Scoring New Records
Scoring New Records 2018-05-13T17:08:49-04:00

Scoring New Records

Score new CRM/Customer Records in Batch or Real-Time

Initially the data append process used to enhance your CRM/Customer data to create your predictive models would have been via one of two batch methods: either via FTP or our user-friendly Self-Service List and Data Solution.

Let’s assume your model has been created and validated and has been used to assign a customer segment, priority score or other critical indicator to existing CRM / customer data records.  The next step is to determine the best way to apply scores to brand new customer data records as they are entered into the customer database.

Should the score be applied in real-time as records are being entered?  Or is it acceptable to wait a day, week, month, quarter or even a year before appending the demographic data needed to create the score and append it to the new records?

Given the time and effort expended to create the model it would be counterproductive to wait very long to score new records.  The good news is that you can use a Data Pipe / API (aka Data Connector) to append demographic data in real-time.  This same data pipe / connector can also clean and complete your new data records at the same time, in a single pass, all within 100 milli-seconds.  This means that you will know everything you need to know quickly enough to apply an initial score and react immediately.

For example, if customer record scoring is part of your Marketing Automation or Customer Data Platform functionality, then you would be able to react immediately to a known visitor on your website with personalized content based on that person’s interests, buying capacity or propensities, even if they have just self-identified (e.g., by signing up for a loyalty program or promotion).

If real-time is not required but you want to automate the process, we can set up an automated batch FTP solution.  You would upload one or more data records in standard file format on a regular basis (hourly, daily, weekly) and receive a file back in a few hours with standard data appends applied.


Whatever your needs, we can offer a solution that provides critical insights to new customer records.