Acquire New Customers
Acquire New Customers 2018-05-13T20:24:11-04:00

Acquire New Customers

Prospect Insights and Planning

Prospect Targeting

Reaching the right people is critical for prospect marketing success. We know ALL the available targeting data elements from traditional demographics to segmentation models to predictive models from multiple compilers. Learn more

Test and Analysis Design

Prospecting campaigns that don’t include build testing and analysis the start have no mechanism to continually improving results and are destined to be sub-optimal. We can help ensure that winning approaches that is often hidden in the response data will be systematically identified in order to maximize results and marketing ROI. Learn more

Acquisition Campaign Execution

Multi-channel Acquisition Campaigns

Multi-channel acquisition campaigns designed to generate leads for lowest cost or highest ROI are tailored to available budget and goals. They can include any combination of direct mail, email, digital, social or mobile. Learn more

Lead Capture and nurturing

Leads generated need to be converted at the highest possible rate. Form fill rates can vary by an order of magnitude so it is essential that online forms are dedicated to the campaign and optimized. Ideally leads will then enter a cycle of ongoing nurturing. Learn more