Predict with Analytics
Predict with Analytics 2018-05-13T20:23:10-04:00

Predict with Analytics

Gain Customer Insights

Look Alike Reports

Analyze your customers using hundreds of demographic, interest and buying categories including Personicx LifeStage and compare your customers to your market (regional or national). Learn more  

Predict Customer Behavior

Customer Predictive Analytics

Customer predictive analysis that uses statistical regression techniques to determine the most important demographic/behavioral components and their relative weights to determine the ideal make-up of new prospects. Includes decile scoring of a third-party consumer database for pulling best prospects. Learn more

Campaign Predictive Analytics

Using logistic regression, Monte Carlo and other statistical techniques it is possible to mathematically predict who among the non-responders is most likely to respond to a new campaign by “decile” which is then used to score the list. Typically, the highest ROI is achieved by mailing to the top two to four deciles. Learn more